Offline data collection

  • Fields designed specifically for manhole data – no setup or building custom forms required
  • Automatic completion for current date, logged in user etc.
  • Details like job number, surveyor, project etc. duplicated so they only need to be entered once
  • Works offline with all data stored locally until exported when connected to the internet

No more CAD drawings!

A choice of built-in drawing components to create diagrams that can drop straight in to your manhole cards.

Location sketch

  • Quickly and easily annotate a photo with arrows, lines and labels to show the distance to nearby landmarks
  • Arrow overlay uses the device’s compass to show the direction of north on the diagram

Chamber sketch

  • Select from multiple cover and chamber shapes (initially set automatically from details entered in the app)
  • Rotate cover and chamber to orient to north
  • Position letters, arrows, parallel lines, text etc by dragging them round with your finger
  • Can be used for drainage and inspection chambers

Auto IC sketch

  • Automatically generated using data input into the app
  • Will be drawn to scale based on chamber width, length and depth, plus measurements for each duct
  • Use the device compass if needed to set which face is 1

Connectivity sketch

  • Incoming and outgoing nodes and arrows automatically join to central node
  • Drag & drop nodes around with your finger and the rest of the diagram automatically adjusts
  • Add text to labels each node

Hand drawn sketch

All these fancy sketch tools are all well and good, but some of you just like to draw it yourselves! No problem – we’ve got you covered.

All the fields you need

  • Record every detail from cover down through shaft and chamber
  • Contains fields for STC25, PAS128 and PAS256
  • Add as many pipes and ducts as required
  • Take up to four photos per manhole
  • Record GPS coordinates using device hardware

Data available immediately to anyone who needs it

  • All data uploaded to the SurvAid platform where it can be accessed by anyone in your company via web browser
  • All levels automatically calculated using cover level and depths
  • Import CSV files of coordinates and levels once obtained from survey equipment
  • Edit individual manholes or batch update all data for a particular job
  • View data in list or map format

Generate PDF deliverables at the click of a mouse

  • Built in template for United Utilities
  • Generic templates if required, or we can build in your own
  • Export individually or in batches
  • Download images only if required
  • Also export data to CSV to import into other systems