Record manhole inspection chamber details on-site, import position and levels afterwards, have invert levels automatically calculated and generate PDF manhole cards at the click of a button.
Manhole Inspection App
Offline data collection
- Fields designed specifically for manhole data – no setup or building custom forms required
- Automatic completion for current date, logged in user etc.
- Details like job number, surveyor, project etc. duplicated so they only need to be entered once
- Works offline with all data stored locally until exported when connected to the internet
No more CAD drawings!
A choice of built-in drawing components to create diagrams that can drop straight in to your manhole cards.
Chamber sketch
- Select from multiple cover and chamber shapes (initially set automatically from details entered in the app)
- Rotate cover and chamber to orient to north
- Position letters, arrows, parallel lines, text etc by dragging them round with your finger
- Can be used for drainage and inspection chambers
Data available immediately to anyone who needs it
- All data uploaded to the SurvAid platform where it can be accessed by anyone in your company via web browser
- All levels automatically calculated using cover level and depths
- Import CSV files of coordinates and levels once obtained from survey equipment
- Edit individual manholes or batch update all data for a particular job
- View data in list or map format
Generate PDF deliverables at the click of a mouse
- Built in template for United Utilities
- Generic templates if required, or we can build in your own
- Export individually or in batches
- Download images only if required
- Also export data to CSV to import into other systems